Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Shir haShirim Rabba

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth" (Shir haShirim 1:2)

The Rabbis, however, say: The commandment itself went to each of the Israelites and said to him, So and so many rules are attached [to me], so and so many penalties are attached [to me], so and so many precautionary measures are attached [to me], so and so many precepts and so and so many rulings from minor to major.

And the [Israelite] would reply: Yes, yes [I accept you]. And straightaway, the commandment kissed him on the mouth

Shir haShirim Rabbah

1 comment:

Mordecai Martin said...

This reminds me of a thought I once had a berachot. I feel that they are like kisses, they are both an intimacy with God, and an implicit request for more intimacy. Just as sometimes our lover's beauty (inner and outer) strikes us in such a way that we are overcome, and must kiss them, so too, sometimes God's creation overcomes us, and we must say a blessing, and these are the blessings over the Sea, the Lightning and Thunder, the Rainbow, etc.

